How can I know if an item is available?

The availability online is always updated with our warehouse.

If an item is Disponibile it means that it is available and ready to be shipped.

If an item is Non disponibile it means that it is temporarily out of stock. We therefore invite you to check its availability in the coming days / weeks.

If an item is Fuori Catalogo it means that it is out of stock and out of production.

If an item is In arrivo it means that we should receive a new supply shortly. You can already place your order by adding to your payment methods a credit card or PayPal account to which you wish to be charged when the item is available.

If an item is In preordine it means that it is still in the designing / production phase. To pre-order it, simply add to your payment methods a credit card or PayPal account that you want to be charged to when the item is available. Usually the release date is specified in the item description. Please note that it is subject to variations. If the release date is not specified, it means that it hasn’t yet been established by the producer.